Monday, October 5, 2009

Fair Time!

We had lots of fun at the fairs this year! We started a couple of weeks ago in Brenham at the Washington County Fair. The kids and I went to the petting zoo, walked through the 4H projects, inspected the antique tractors, and handshelled our own corn during the day. Then that night Darren came with us to look at a few booths, and then lived it up at the carnival. After the kids rode all the rides (several times!) we went to the rodeo.
The next weekend we helped kick off the Waller County Fair with a parade in downtown Hempstead. KatieLynn rode on a float (as a candidate for Little Miss), and though Dean really wanted to ride the float too, he enjoyed watching the parade.
Dean & KatieLynn both enjoyed the chance to 'drive' the skid steer! KatieLynn, Hadley, and Dean hang out on the fence at the rodeo.Dean and KatieLynn both competed in the Pedal Tractor Pull. Dean won 1st place in the 2-3 year olds, going 16 feet. KatieLynn won 1st place in the 4-5 year olds, going 24 feet. They were both SO excited, and we were quite proud. :)

Below are several pictures from the carvinal. We met Emma (our 4yo niece) and Hadley (our 3yo close family friend) there, and all the kids LOVED the carnival! There was a special during the afternoon on Friday, and they kids rode all the rides multiple times.


Dawn Jenkins said...


Laurie said...

Found your blog while blog-hopping! Your kids look absolutely adorable in their boots and jeans at the fair!