Dean liked all the animals, but his favorite thing was the tractors (of course!). He keep wanting to climb on all of them, and he couldn't climb on the antique tractors, so he would touch their tires, and anything else in reach. You'd think he never got to be around a tractor!

Bebe has lots of Thomas the Train DVDs, and the kids loved them!
Our house weathered the storm like a pro (it has lived through over a hundred years of hurricanes, so it is kind of like a professional). There were lots of limbs down, but Darren had them pretty much all picked up before we got home. We never found the trampoline, except for three leg pieces in the hayfield... the kids are sad, but I bet we'll get a new one in the next few months. :)
We had a wonderful visit in Brenham. My parents could not have treated us better, from sharing their beds, food, TV (my dad let us watch whatever he wanted -how sweet!), and everything else they had. The kids behaved very well, so it was a great 'vacation'. I know there were many who were not as fortunate, and my heart goes out to them. God Bless You!